Cage Comforter Directions

The Jackson County Animal Shelter Cage comforters that the Guild donates to the Jackson County Animal Shelter are made in two different sizes that finish 23 inches square for cats and 23 inches by 47 inches for dogs. Materials used are generally cotton and polyester because these fabrics wear well and will withstand multiple washings. Polyester fleece or flannel works well as a backing for a cotton comforter. Each comforter has one layer of batting between two layers of fabric. Construction is very simple:
Cut two fabrics and one batting in 24 inch squares (for cats) or 24 inch by 48 inch rectangles (for dogs). Put the two fabrics right sides together, with the batting underneath. Stitch a ½ inch seam all around the perimeter leaving a small opening for turning. Before turning, trim away excess fabrics on the four corners to eliminate bulk. Turn so the right sides of the fabrics are on the outside and the batting is inside. Top-stitch ¼ inch all around the outside edge of the comforter, closing the opening in the process.
Machine quilt any way you please. This is an excellent opportunity to practice your free motion quilting skills. Please do not tie the comforter as the animals’ toenails can get caught in the threads or yarns used.
Thank you for your efforts!
Janice Stitt